Thursday, February 26, 2009

Are gluten free baked goods "for the birds?!"

My good friend's husband likes to say, "gluten free baked goods are for the birds!" He says this as he looks down at all of the crumbles that have now landed in his lap and on the ground attracting masses of hungry birds.

It is true: The bulk of GF baked goods are dry and crumbly. You see, some of the redeeming factors of gluten are; it holds things together (like "glue"), it holds in moisture, and it allows little air pockets to form giving baked goods a nice lift job.

I set out on a mission, a mission that took... Oh about a year or so. The mission was to find a way to create moisture AND cohesion, all in one supreme baked good. And of course, because this is "Tiffany's Healing Foods" I was to do this in a way that did not sacrifice my integrity... My belief that we should strive for more nutritious and unprocessed foods, rather than their refined alter egos.

My mission was a success!! I have created a top 10 list based on this year of field work. I consider them "GF healthy baking secrets." Stay tuned for the list....

PS... Also, stayed tuned for "Secrets of Gluten Free Cooking Sweets and Treats" DVD. If you would like to be notified when it comes out, please click here, and enter your name and email (this remains private and we do not sell emails nor do we spam).

Here's to foods that heal!


1 comment:

Kathryn said...

I am so looking forward to getting this list. Hope it's coming soon!! Great blog:)