Spring is the time of new beginning. Mother nature becomes vibrant with growt
Simple for Spring
The energy of Spring is powerful! It is a burst emerging from the stillness of winter. We naturally want to expand, and lighten up. Spring energy is about renewal, planning and taking action to accomplish tasks and dreams. In order to harness the beautiful energy of Spring and be available to contribute fully to the fulfillment of our plans and heart’s true desires, our bodies need to be prepared. Because of the dramatic shift in energy qualities between Winter and Spring, Spring is a wonderful time to detox the body. Rid the mind, body and soul of the heavy weight that is no longer needed and is left over from Winter. While there are many ‘miracle remedies’ to help one detox, diet is truly the best way to clear out the toxins and lighten one’s load. Here are a few tips on how to detox:
Less is more!
- Lighten up and experience the Spring within!
- Eat more raw & sprouted veggies, seeds and grains
- Soak your grains and beans overnight before cooking
- Cook your veggies for shorter times and at higher temperatures or lightly steam them
- Increase sour and bitter flavors
- Eat very little heavy foods like cheese and meats
Sour flavors:
Lemon, lime and grapefruit
Vinegar: Apple Cider, brown rice, sour plum.
Bitter flavors:
Rye, Romaine, Spring Greens, Asparagus, Quinoa, Citrus Peel, Alfalfa
What to eat
· Local and in season foods. This is a great time of year to check out local farmers markets!
· Foods with ascending and expansive qualities of Spring
· Pungent and naturally sweet flavored foods
Basil, fennel, caraway, dill, bay leaf, rosemary, garlic and onion
Complex carbohydrates- grains, legumes, seeds and other sweet starchy vegetables like carrots and beets.
Things to keep in mind:
1. Our relationship with food mirrors our relationship to life.
2. What does it look like for you to nourish the “spring within?”
3. Play, play , play!! As adults we get so busy that we forget to delight in the sheer joy of being alive... Right now take a moment to feel that joy bubble up, and experience gratitude.
I take for it granted that my diet should change as the season change. Thank you for a helpful and enjoyable post.
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